Quick releases are a wonderful addition to bikes. They allow you to make quick and easy adjustments to your bike, without the need for any tools.
You may, on occasion, have to need to adjust or tighten your quick release. If your stem or seat post slides or moves during a ride, you should adjust your quick release.
Always check your bicycle's quick releases prior to each ride.
1. To Adjust the quick release, begin by opening up the quick release by pulling the lever AWAY from the body/tube of the bike.
2. With the quick-release open, tighten the knurled nut on the opposite side of the lever:
3. Tighten the knurled nut 1/2 to 1 whole turn.
4. Raise the seat post/stem or other parts with the quick release.
5. Close the quick-release lever:
6. Test by trying to twist the seat/saddle DO NOT push down (be careful that you do not slip or put your body weight into the test as you may slip and/or fall).
If the seat post or stem moves, repeat steps 1-5.
Please note that everyone is different with different ideas of what "tight" is. What may feel tight to you may feel loose to someone else. Always test to make sure the parts tightened by the quick release are not loose, do not move or slip.
As always, if you have any questions, please let us know by sending us an email to support@zizzo.bike or calling us at +1 (866) 788-2202
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